YTA 1kb DNA ladder
- Bands range from 250 bp to 1000bp
- Ready to use DNA ladders ideal for DNA sizing
- Ideal for both DNA sizing and approximate quantification
- DNA Fragments: 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000,8000,10000 bp
1 kb DNA Ladder is suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments. An exclusive mixture of a number of proprietary plasmids processed with suitable restriction enzymes and PCR products to generate 13 fragments which is appropriate for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA contains fragments ranging from 250-10,000 base pairs. The 1K and 3K bands contain more DNA to serve as reference points.
- Range: 250-10,000 bp
- Number of bands: 13
- Concentration: 100 μg/ml
- Package: 50ug/500ul
- Recommended Load: 5 μl / well Containing bromophenol blue & xylene cyanole FF as tracking dyes.
- Store at 25ᴼ C for 6 months
- Store at 4 ᴼC for 12 months
- Store at -20 ᴼC for 24 months
protocol of YTA 1kb DNA ladder → download
RHD Genotyping by Molecular Analysis of Hybrid Rhesus box in RhD-Negative Blood Donors from Iran Published online 2018 Aug| Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus | Read article
Genomic DNA was extracted from buffy coat samples using column-based DNA extraction kit (YT 9040, YEKTA TAJHIZ AZMA, IRAN). The extracted DNA was stored at − 20 °C after determining the concentration using the Nano Drop (one/onec, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, USA)... READ MORE
- Range: 250-10,000 bp
- Number of bands: 13
- Concentration: 100 μg/ml
- Package: 50ug/500ul
- Recommended Load: 5 μl / well Containing bromophenol blue
- & xylene cyanol FF as tracking dyes.
- Store at 25ᴼ C for 6 months
- Store at 4 ᴼC for 12 months
- Store at -20 ᴼC for 24 months